Welcome to St Peter's Lutheran Church
in the village of Brodhagen

Built on the Rock of Jesus Christ, we are an inclusive and caring community of faith in action. We are dedicated to the regular worship of God and service of people everywhere, providing a safe haven of love and fellowship, and nurturing spiritual growth, beginning with children.

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This month at St. Peter's

February 2
10:30 AM Holy Communion

February 3
7:00 PM Healing Service

February 5
7:00 PM Adult Education

February 6
7:00 PM Choir Practice

February 9
10:30 AM Service of the Word combined with Annual Meeting
Lunch following the service; please bring salads, vegetables or dessert
Valentine's Day-themed - wear red!

February 12
7:30 PM Church Council meeting - old plus new members

February 13
7:00 PM Choir Practice

February 16
10:30 AM Holy Communion

February 19
7:00 PM Adult Education

February 20
7:00 PM Choir Practice

February 23
10:30 AM Service of the Word

February 26
7:00 PM Adult Education

February 27
7:00 PM Choir Practice

February 28
Family Fun Night - time and activity TBA

March 2
10:30 AM Holy Communion

March 4
5:00 - 7:00 PM Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Information on all these events can be found in the latest edition of Peter's Net